La Bête


Working on the relationship that man has with what he perceives as wild, I want, through these photographs, to show the invisible frontier between the domestic and the untamed on the terrain, at the heart of a battle between multiple imaginaries.
“Nature" is today the victim of a war for its possession and use, a space of multiple cohabitations where each protagonist wants to impose his vision of the world.
But what is 'wild nature'?
The rural space is confronted with a struggle for the management of its territories around this notion: should we re-introduce wilderness at the expense of the inhabitants? Or should we fight for the preservation of ‘traditional' activities?
Is there any sense in wanting to make nature a sanctuary and banish man from it? This division is perhaps one of the most important in understanding the misunderstanding between two worlds that seem to be in conflict: the man of the cities and the man of the fields, the global man and the man of the territories, the city dweller and the rural... the "yuppie" and the "yokel".
Travelling this border, a tale emerges, a story of in-between, an unreal space, an undefined world without truth or objectivity.