


Lucia Herrero was born in 1976 in Madrid, where she first studied architecture before taking courses at various photo schools in Valencia, Amsterdam and Barcelona. She then worked in stage design before setting up as a freelance photographer. Since, she has undertaken long-term projects which have won awards in several European festivals (Photo Meeting Barcelona, Month of Photography in Bratislava, SCAN in Tarragona, and the RIP in Arles) In 2010 she was chosen among the new talents of PhotoEspaña and SFR Young Talents.


In the series "Tribes" Lucia Herrero practices what she calls a fantastical anthropology. To photograph these Spanish middle class families on the beach, she bases her images on the formal anthropological model where one sees the tribe displaying themselves with generosity and pride, in traditional costume, surrounded by their worldly goods. The scenarios applied here are barely exaggerated; just sufficiently to underline the currents at work in our western identity crisis.