

Somethings Never Change


Born in Überlingen, Germany. In 1987, Peter Franck starts studying painting and graphic design at the Fine Arts school of Nuremberg. In 1993, he finishes his studies in Stuttgart's University (Masterclass R. Schoofs). His first contact with photography happened thanks to his brother, whom is also a photographer. With his photographic pictures influenced by painting, he participated in numerous art events, like the Fotofestival of Naarden, the Photosummer of Stuttgart, and the Art Fair of Cologne. In parallel to his photographic projects, he has kept working on his paintings, which completely differ from his photographic works.


The images of Peter Franck are uncanny and familiar. Uncanny because impossible.
Familiar because loaded with so many signs bringing us back to indisputable images,
already encountered many times and accepted as universal truths. Their strength is
there, in this simple and irrefutable demonstration that certain images inhabit us and
already inhabited the world long before us.