

J’habite une ville fantôme


Singer, photographer in his spare time, Thibault Derien is the author of four albums of songs (Instants fanés, L’éphéméride, Vasistas, Le comte d’apothicaire) , and a photographic project, still under construction. I live in a ghost town has already been exhibited, at the gallery L’Issue in Paris, at the gallery Dérapages in Brusselles, and during the Manifesto festival at Toulouse. Derien lives and works in his ghost town.


One fine day, Thibault Derien left Paris for a strange town, which time had passed by, rigidified in its worn and cherished souvenirs. The ancient shop fronts that he passed regularly appeared like blank cinema screens, where one might imagine a spectral past; hidden layers where the ghosts of history and forgotten lives still stir.