

Ilona et Maddelena


After graduating in Political Science and completing a Masters Degree in sociology, Sandra Mehl moved towards photography and took part in multiple workshops in 2014 and 2015, particularly with 24theworshop. Her work "Je t'écris de la place des mouettes" was selected as part of the jury's projection of les Boutographies in 2015.


In their 260-square-foot family apartment, Ilona and Maddalena have been living with their mother Françoise and father Thierry, Maddalena's godfather Etienne, five dogs, four cats, and countless Johnny Halliday artefacts, as well as Native-Americans-based ones. Much like a vast majority of their neighbours, they live on very modest income. Françoise has retired from government, after having worked twenty-seven years as a medical assistant and having raised four children; Thierry is a retired legionnaire and currently unemployed.

When I first met them, I immediately understood why I would be focusing on them over any other. I see myself in them, as an 11 year-old evolving in similar surroundings, as if I were immersed in my own past.