Islamic Republic of Iran

Lives and works in London


Eyes Dazzle as They Search for the truth

Open everyday 10:00 to 18:00


saturday 04 may 2024 à 11:00


The Iranian revolution is one of the most significant events to have taken place in the Middle East in the last five decades, with multiple repercussions throughout the region. This project highlights individuals who, at a crucial moment in history, stood out from the crowd and stared into the lens of a camera.
The photographer is usually the one who controls the image captured. He chooses the setting by choosing his position. In these photographs, the intended relationship has been reversed, as the photographer has been influenced by the crowd and the eyes that have turned towards the camera. It was as if the subject and the object had swapped places. This reversal of roles had a significant impact, as it was the people themselves who were responsible for capturing the image with their gaze, rather than the camera turning towards them.