

Taking their cue from the universe of François Burland, the two young photographers have transposed their own fiction to this environment. They imagine a Russian expedition into Space, where 10 men and 10 women have been selected to invent new forms of life elsewhere than on our own, suffering, planet. A sort of Noah’s Ark of the future, with little hope of success, since our national heroes are quickly abandoned to their fate. This idea of aspiring to a state of « beyond », in every sense of the term, has its roots in the propaganda campaigns of the first and second World Wars, where the powers in place sought to requisition the civil populations for the War Effort, to ensure Victory for the Nation. The two artists/photographers have chosen to express this fiction via imagined archives, videos, propaganda fanzines, posters, and monumental sculptures imported from a planet that doesn’t exist.
Taken from the text by Florence Grivel