Marine Lanier


Contruire un feu

35,00 € Buy online


Édition limitée à 400 exemplaires - numérotés et signés

Format 22 x 34 cm

20 pages


For her work, Marine Lanier was inspired by the eponymous novel of Jack London.
"(...) In the morning, my father grabs the newspapers, the kindling and the pieces of crates. Matches. He throws them on the floor, behind him, on the cold slab. He sorts them roughly. Everything that accumulates, what has been lying around for months, in the back of the garage, above the tarpaulins. He lights several fires to make the pile go away. He turns around with lit newspaper, as if he were looking at a torch, inside a cave. From the crumpled newspaper, he slides across the branches, towards the dry, the crates, the twigs, the thorns, further on, towards the earth, the roots, the still green leaves - they burn last - they are the ones that take the longest to burn, their youth still resisting the flames. (…) »