Demetris Koilalous

Éditions Kehrer Verlag

Caesura - The duration of a sigh

45,00 €


Textes de Demetris Koilalous et Bill Kouwenhoven

Format 22 x 23 cm

132 pages

English - Greek



Caesura is a collection of photographs about the transitory state of the people who entered Greece after crossing the Aegean Sea – the infamous »death passage« – on their way from their homelands in Asia and Africa to the land of promise and hope: Europe. Typically the term »caesura« means the brief silence in the middle of a poetic verse or a musical phrase – used in this context as a metaphor for a silent break amid two violent periods. The characters in Caesura take on temporary identities as they pose for the camera in frames of transition and uncertainty. The photographs do not attempt to provide answers or make a historic statement about this mass exodus by simply exposing human agony. Rather, they seek to raise questions about the human condition and identity.